You can customize the way you enter data in the "Entry Setup" command:
• Initial Caps: To automatically capitalize the first letter of each word in the field. This means you don't have to worry about pressing the "Shift" key when you type! (For the State, Zip, and Country fields, this option changes to "All Caps", and it will capitalize anything you type in those fields. Initial Caps is not available for the Date, Note or Phone Key fields.)
• Keep Value: Automatically repeats whatever was entered in this field in the previous record.If you're typing a bunch of records with the same city, you can set a "Keep Value" on the "City" field and whatever is typed in the first record will repeat.
• Enable for Entry: Makes it possible to type in information into this field. If you don't need to use a certain field, you can turn this feature off for that field. (The Business and Last Name fields cannot be disabled for entry.)
• Field Label: Allows you to rename the field by typing in the text box. Limited to 11 alphanumeric characters.
• Tab Order: To specify the order in which you visit each field as you tab through the entry screen. To change the tab order for a field, you must select the field and click on the up or down arrow.
"Entry Setup" settings are made on a field-by-field basis. The settings for all fields are done in the same "Entry Setup" dialog. To specify which field you want, just click on it in the scrollable "Tab Order" list.
You can easily restore the default "Entry Setup" settings by choosing "Default Setups".
The "Entry Setup" settings are stored with the application (as part of the "Dynodex Preferences" file, which you'll find in your "Dynodex" folder). This means they are global to all Dynodex files, and they affect the way you enter information in the application.
Note: This used to be called the "Set Up Fields" command.